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전문의보다 더 훌륭한 온몸으로 모발이식을 체험한 OB선배들의 돈으로 환산하기 힘든 카운셀링을 만나보시기 바랍니다.
최신 인기 게시물
H & W의 수술전후 주의및 안내사항
수술 예약 잡으니까 메일로 수술전후 안내사항을 보내왔습니다.
Top Class 병원의 안내사항이니까
대다모 여러분에게
어느 정도 도움이 되리라 믿습니다.(영어 공부에도 도움될 뜻)
저는 동양계인 Dr Wong 박사에게 수술 받기로 되어 있습니다.
저의 경우 4500graft 하면
2000모낭 까지 4.5달러
+4500모낭 까지 2.5달러
+세금 6%
-비행기값 400달러 공제
-계절에 따라 스탠다드 방 요금이
120달러 160달러 하는 호텔 2박 무료 숙박권
3000모낭하면 어느 정도 가격 경쟁력은 있는것 같더라고요.
가격도 확실히 공개하는 부분이 아주 마음에 들더라고요.
Fuss로 하시려는 분에게는 아주 좋은 선택지 중의 하나라고
제 1편 수술전
·Stop using Rogaine (Minoxidil) 3 months before your surgery
·Inform clinic of any medications you are taking
·Allow your hair to grow at approximately1 inch at the back and sides of head (this will cover the staples after surgery)
·Have your pre-op physical and lab work done by your family doctor
(if requested by doctor)
·Start to massage the back of your scalp by pushing the skin firmly up
and down to help loosen the donor area. Do this as many times daily as you can.
·A deposit of $500 is required to book surgery, and a down payment of $5000 is required three weeks prior to your procedure. If you need to cancel surgery 7 days notice must be given to avoid a cancellation fee of $500. We accept Visa, MC, AMEX, cash and bank drafts; we do not accept personal cheques.
·Stop taking aspirin (ASA), or any products containing aspirin. If you take any products with aspirin or ASA in them we will have to post-pone
your surgery.
·Do not take any anti-inflammatory drugs (Advil, Motrin, Aleve etc.)
-Check that these are not contained in any cold remedies etc that you might take
-You may use Tylenol
·Do not drink any alcohol
·Stop the use of multi vitamins, vitamin E
·Stop the use of herbs and supplements (ie Gingko, Glucosamine)
·Do not use marijuana or any non-approved drugs
·inform the clinic of any pimples, skin lesions, or rash on your scalp
·Phone our office to confirm your surgery booking
·Inform our office if you have developed any pimples, infections or a rash on your skin or scalp, or are otherwise unwell
(see over)
·If you live more than a few hours drive from the clinic you should arrange to spend the night of the surgery in a hotel so that the doctor can easily see you if necessary
·Try to have 8 hours of sleep
·Ensure that your hair is clean and do not wear any mousse or
hairspray whatsoever to surgery
·Avoid wearing cologne or perfume on the day of surgery
·Avoid wearing tight clothing which needs to be pulled over your head, a button-up shirt is suggested
·If sedation is used during surgery, driving is not permitted for 12 hours and you will need to arrange transportation to and from our clinic. **During hair transplant surgery, sedation is rarely used and therefore the patient is able to drive.
·You need to have something to eat before you come in for surgery
·If your surgery is scheduled for 6:15am you need to enter the building through the underground parking lot, which is located behind our building off of Oak Street.
We recommend our out of town patients come in the day before surgery for a pre-operative consultation. We also advise that you come in the day after surgery for a post-operative follow-up and hair wash before returning home.
If you have any further questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to call the clinic, or visit our website at www.hassonandwong.com. For more information on hair transplants you can visit one of the following consumer websites www.iahrs.org , www.hairtransplantnetwork.com or www.hairlosshelp.com
제 2 편 수술후
Instructions – After Surgery
1.Rest, sleep or watch television for the remainder of the day.
Do not lay or put any pressure on the grafted area.
2.Maintain your normal diet. No alcohol for 3 days after surgery, and
avoid aspirin for 10 days post-operative.
3.Take antibiotics, pain relieving medications and sleeping pills
as directed.
4.If unable to return to our office the day after surgery, wait 24 hours to do your first hair wash. Wash hair in shower using a very gentle water flow of luke warm water, not hot water, and gentle hands. To dry your hair you can use a cool air setting on a blow dryer or gently pat with
a towel. You must wash your hair everyday.
Many patients are too careful when cleaning their recipient area 7 to 8 days after surgery. You must return to normal washing one week post-op. It is important to clean this area using your fingertips with the goal of having no scabs or excess build-up or crusts 8-10 days post-op. Crusts should not be allowed to accumulate or remain in the recipient area
after this time period. A similar but gentler approach should also be extended to the donor area. If the stapled area is tender or uncomfortable to the touch, be less aggressive and wait until after staple removal.
The only activity to avoid when washing your hair is physically lifting the scalp up and down in an aggressive manor over the incision or scratching of both areas with your fingernails.
5.A clean loose fitting cap or hat may be worn.
6.If you have staples they will be removed in 8-10 days,
if you have sutures they will be removed in 7 days.
Please make an appointment to come back in for your removal
at our office, or out-of-town patients may see their own doctor.
Instructions for staple removal (if you are unable to come back to clinic):
7.You may experience swelling in the forehead, eyes and nose.
For those patients who have mega sessions there is a possibility your
eyes will swell shut for a day or two. There is no way of predicting how much swelling will occur, or its duration, but it will usually appear
2-3 days post operative and last a few days.
8.Do not scratch sutured/stapled area: be careful when combing over
grafted area. DO NOT USE A BRUSH.
9.Spotting and occasional light bleeding from the donor area may occur 12 – 14 hours after surgery. Apply firm, constant pressure over the area for 20 minutes. If bleeding does not stop, phone our office at (604) 739-4247, 1-800-859-2266 or Dr. Wong’s cell at 778-668-6264, and if necessary go to the hospital. If bleeding occurs from the grafted area (dislodged graft) gently clean of blood and continue to gently clean until bleeding
stops. Do not apply pressure to grafted area.
10.Report any bleeding, swelling, infection, excessive discomfort or temporary hair loss to our office.
11.Do not use rubbing alcohol or any styling products containing
alcohol on grafted areas for 7 days.
12.Avoid strenuous activity for 2 weeks (e.g. weightlifting, running).
Mild/moderate activity can be resumed after 2 weeks
and your can participate in contact sports 4 weeks post-op.
No swimming for 2 weeks.
13.Some nerves and nerve endings may be cut during the procedure and may result in numbness in the donor or recipient areas. These nerves will usually regenerate in 3 to 18 months after surgery.
14.Avoid sun exposure to the scalp for 3 months after surgery. A sunburn on the recipient area in the first few months post-op will prevent growth. You can apply sunscreen to the scalp 2 months after surgery (use 30 or higher SPF) if you are out in the sun and cannot wear a hat.
15.For the vast majority of surgeries, no sedation is used.
On the rare occasion when sedation is used during surgery,
do not operate motor vehicles, boats, machinery or power tools
until the following day.
16.The transplanted hair shaft will fall out 2-4 weeks after surgery,
this is normal. You will still retain the live follicle
and it will start to grow 3-5 months post op.
Expect to see your final results 8-12 months after surgery.
17.Regular use of vitamin B complex will help to maintain hair quality
and facilitate nerve regeneration in the grafted area
and above the incision line.
18.If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate call Christina at the clinic:
(604) 739-4247
Dr. Jerry Wong and his staff would like to thank you for choosing our clinic to have your transplant. To extend our thanks we are offering you a 10% discount off your next surgery if you refer any family or friends to Dr. Wong, and they book a hair transplant surgery. If you would like to share you transplant experience with others you can log onto www.hairlosshelp.com , www.hairtransplantnetwork.com , www.hairsite.com
www.hairtransplantmagazine.com , www.hairtransplantmentor.com or www.morphollica.com
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- A vs B 병원을 비교 평가, 추천 문의나 복수 병원을 비교평가한 답변은 내용과 상관없이 광고로 간주하여 무통보 삭제됩니다.
- 게시자가 의도하지 않았으나 병원에 간접적인 홍보이익이 발생하는 게시글은 무통보 삭제 처리됩니다.
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