대다모 모발이식 게시판은 10년이 넘는 역사와 전통을 자랑합니다.
전문의보다 더 훌륭한 온몸으로 모발이식을 체험한 OB선배들의 돈으로 환산하기 힘든 카운셀링을 만나보시기 바랍니다.
최신 인기 게시물
몸털이식에 관한 글인데요. 해석좀...
I would like to clarify the record as bht(body hair transplant) has been a contentious subject that I have refused to keep quiet about on these boards.
I did not "fail" performing bht. Rather, I studied the possiblity, designed some instrumentation, and performed hundreds of bht transplants on volunteers for free back from 2002-2004. My results were consistently poor with less than 30% successful growth on AVERAGE. Yes, there were some test patches that grew well, but they were exceedingly rare. I KNOW that my results were and ARE IDENTICAL to any and all other doctors practicing bht (then and now) and challenged them to post just 5% of their "successful" results.
But did we all see startling results en masse? No. Not even close.
Instead of posting hundreds of impressive before/after photos I was attacked by several clinics and their patients under different names at once. It was pitiful, but should have been illuminating to those contemplating the expenditure of literally tens of thousands of dollars on a largely cosmtically insignificant surgery.
If the attacks start again here, I'm not going to bother to respond as it's pointless. It seems that people will believe, and pay for, whatever they want. Even if it is irrational and unproven.
As I've sad, to prove me wrong it is just a simple matter of posting a significant number of before/after photos and explaining the "unique" and "mystical" mechanism utilized to obtain a greater than 90% yield. If a doctor claims to have performed 100 such surgeries, then I don't think requesting that 25 impressive and cosmetically significant before/after photos be posted.
So the verdict on bht is "guilty" and the sentence is not "death", but that it was "still-born".
Dr. Feller
미국 대다모 사이트에서 본 닥터 펠러의 글인데 영어가 딸려서..
정확한 번역좀 부탁드립니다.
- 가입과 동시에 특정병원 포토후기를 올리는 사례가 있어 '포토평가게시판' 이외에 병원명이 포함된 사진후기는 병원명이 삭제됩니다.<작성자는패널티부과>
- A vs B 병원을 비교 평가, 추천 문의나 복수 병원을 비교평가한 답변은 내용과 상관없이 광고로 간주하여 무통보 삭제됩니다.
- 게시자가 의도하지 않았으나 병원에 간접적인 홍보이익이 발생하는 게시글은 무통보 삭제 처리됩니다.
- A vs B 병원을 비교 평가, 추천 문의나 복수 병원을 비교평가한 답변은 내용과 상관없이 광고로 간주하여 무통보 삭제됩니다.
- 게시자가 의도하지 않았으나 병원에 간접적인 홍보이익이 발생하는 게시글은 무통보 삭제 처리됩니다.
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